26 May 2011


Eton E1 in azione

Few tips with my new Eton E1 (antenna: T2FD) just got on eBay. Nice one. Here the log made in Milan.

4319 2350 19/5 AFRTS, Diego Garcia, USB, talks, hrd thanks PBT, weak

5040 0030 20/5 Radio Habana, Cuba, reports in French, music, good

9645.3 0015 20/5 Radio Bandeirantes, Brazil, sport talks, fair

9675 0012 20/5 Radio Cancao Nova, Brazil, long religious talk, fair/good

10000 0010 20/5 Observatorio Nacional Brazil, continuous time & ids, fair

11780 0003 20/5 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brazil, songs, talks "saudade", good

11815 2358 19/5 Radio Brasil Central, nice songs, ids, fair/good

11920 0006 20/5 HCJB, via Chile, in Portuguese, slow songs, very good

13690 2343 19/5 Radio Australia, English, talks //15415 15560 17750

15250 2345 19/5 Radio Nacional de Venezuela, via Cuba, talks about politics at the university by profesor Vladimir Costa. Fair/good //13680 good

15415 2341 19/5 Radio Australia, English, talks //15560 but better here, fair

15560 2339 19/5 Radio Australia, English, talks, weak //17750 weak too

15610 2336 19/5 WEWN, USA, religious talks, English, good

15650 2333 19/5 Voice of Greece, conversation, in Greek, fair

15720 2330 19/5 R New Zealand Int. talks about music, and blues song, English, fair

15850 2325 19/5 Galei Zahal, Israel, nice American songs, fair


Boc 24: il log (piccolino)

Anche BOC 24, l'edizione numero 24 delle DX nights a Bocca di Magra (La Spezia, Liguria) è andata in archivio. Propagazione scarsa in onde corte. Ma nel complesso non ci si può lamentare, grazie alle medie con una nuova nigeriana ascoltata, e alle FM con le prime (per noi) E sporadiche. Come al solito ero con Dario Monferini. E anche questa volta è venuto a trovarci Marzio Vizzoni, autore di questa significativa foto.

Questa volta abbiamo potuto anche provare due nuovi ricevitori: il Sangean ATS 909X, da poco sul mercato, e l'Eton E1, ormai non più produzione. Due portatili molto diversi tra loro, ma entrambi di classe superiore. Decisamente validi. Di cui magari riporterò le mie impressioni sul blog Info, quando avrò tempo.

Ecco il piccolo log:

4319 21/5 1931 AFRTS, Diego Garcia, talks, USB, fair

4765 21/5 1907 Radio Tajikistan, Dushambe, folk songs, fair/good

4780 21/5 1904 RTV Djibouti, talks like reports, fair

+++ 4805 21/5 1935 UNID Chinese station, talks and slow songs, fair

4940 21/5 1955 VOA, Sao Tome, English program, international talks, good

5010 21/5 1958 Radio Madagascar, nice African song, modulated only on the upper side of the carrier. Fair/good

5025 21/5 2130 ABC Australia, start on 60 meters reports, weak //4910 weak, 4835 fair

5066.3 21/5 1900-1902* Radio Candip, Bunia, Congo, signing off, poor

5995 21/5 2214 Radio Malì, African & Western songs, good signal, but low and compressed modulation

6019.939 21/5 2219 Radio Vietnam, Home Service, presumed, long Asian slow songs, few talks by woman, weak

6055 21/5 2000 Radio Rwanda, African slow songs non stop, later young music with Dj talks in French, good, some QRM from 6050

6165 21/5 2008 Radio Diffusion Tchadienne, Chad, talks in French about Chad, fair/good

6170 21/5 2116 VOA, Sao Tome, interview in French, fair

6977 22/5 1915 Galei Zahal, Israel, songs, fair, //15850

7125 21/5 2129 Radio Conakry, Guinea, songs but really low modulation. Ham QRM

7295 21/5 2206 Traxx FM, Malaysia, songs, fair

9675 21/5 2115 Radio Cancao Nova, Brazil, religios talks, Portuguese, weak/fair

11725 21/5 2103 Radio New Zealand Int. News in English, good

15345.137 21/5 1928 RTM Morocco, songs, better USB to avoid QRM Argentina (carrier) on 15345.076. Fair/Good

15720 21/5 1918 Radio New Zealand Int. in DRM, label ok "RNZI", but only some music and talks by woman, non usable audio till 1925, then better with only few stops. Sunday morning program. Fair/good signal

15720 21/5 2233 Radio New Zealand Int. talks in English, now in AM mode, no more QRM, fair

15850 21/5 1740 Galei Zahal, Israel, talks and songs, weak

13 May 2011


ARI Milan DX Night # 2

The second ARI Milano DX Night was another very nice meeting at ARI (Italian Radio Amateur Club) Milan section to listen together. We were in eight. You can find photos and info here: http://radiodxinfo.blogspot.com/

We got great propagation on high bands all night long. Radio New Zealand Int. was perfect in DRM on 17 MHz. Never happened in theese years, as I remember.

--- TROPICAL ---

3215 8/5 0245 WWCR, USA, religious talks, English, fair

3240 8/5 0250 TWR, Swaziland, interval signal with ids, weak

3269.85 8/5 0252 Greek Pirate 2 x Harmonic, Greek songs, fair

3330 8/5 0226 CHU, Canada, pips & ids, good

4054.99 8/5 0201 Radio Verdad, Guatemala, music id at 0204, in LSB weak, good later

4699.96 8/5 0208 Radio San Miguel, Bolivia, songs, some talks, poor

4845.237 8/5 0215 Radio Cultura, Manaus, Brazil, nice songs, fair, CODAR QRM

5025 2325 07/05 Radio Rebelde, Cuba, music, SS. fair

5040 7/5 2324 Radio Habana, Cuba, English program, id, fair

5045 7/5 2320 Radio Cultura do Parà, Belém, Brazil, talks, fair

--- HF ----

5939.84 7/5 2342 Voz Missionaria, Cambiorù, Brazil, man religious talks, fair

5954.27 8/5 0335 Radio Republica, Tx Elcor, Costa Rica, talks, later music, fair signal but jammed

5985.83 7/5 2338 Myanmar Radio, talks man & woman, fair

5995 7/5 2327 Radio Malì, nice Afro music, in French, good

6090 8/5 0256 Amhara State Radio, Ethiopia, start of Bc with music, id at 0300, news, Horn od Africa music, good signal, some QRM from dr Gene Scott

6110 8/5 0304 Radio Fana, Ethiopia, songs, //7210, both good

7215 8/5 0343-0345* TWR, South Africa, music, id, end of Bc, good

7295 7/5 2331 Traxx FM, Malaysia, songs, some talks, fair/good

7850 8/5 all night CHU, Canada, pips & ids in French & English, fair

9705 8/5 0350 Radio Ethiopia, Horn of Africa music and talks, fair/good

9780.137 8/5 0355 Republic of Yemen Radio, Talks mentioning Sana'a many times, id on the hour, arabic music/songs

9819.9 8/5 0139 Radio 9 de Julho, Brazil, long religious talk, at 0146 Holy Rosary, fair to good

10000 8/5 0140 WWV USA, & Observatorio Nacional, Brazil, both fair with usual ids

11670 07/05 2253 Radio Nacional de Venezuela, via Cuba, soft music and talks, in Spanish, good

11695 07/05 2252 Radio Australia, talks, good

11765 7/5 2244 Deus é amor, Brazil, religious very long sermon, good

11780 7/5 2235 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brazil, nice songs, good

11854.91 8/5 0132 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, religious talks in PP, strong interference from Family Radio 11855, avoided with AMs LSB mode

11925.18 8/5 0136 Radio Bandeirantes, Brazil, talks and opera music, fair

13363.5 7/5 2238 Radio Continental, LSB, Argentina, feeder, id, sport reports, fair to good later

14670 8/5 all night CHU, Canada, pips & ids, fair

15189.95 8/5 0121 Radio Inconfidencia, Brazil, nice Brazilian songs, fair

15345.076 8/5 0125 R Nacional Argentina, talks songs SS, good

15745 08/05 0154 Sri Lanka BC, listeners' letters, in English, very good

15720 7/5 2252 Radio New Zealand Int, songs, fair/good

15850 7/5 2249 Galei Zahal, Israel, folk songs, very good

17675 8/5 0109 Radio New Zealand Int. DRM literature talks perfect! Excellent! Incredible signal at this hour in the night on such high frequency.

17715 8/5 0103 Radio Australia, English, reports, good //17750

17730 8/5 0113 R Free Asia, pres, talks in unid Asian lang, via Mongolia tx, fair

17860 8/5 0117 Radio Veritas, Philippinas, nice songs, good //15280

03 May 2011


Angola sui 41 metri

Ieri sera sono passato a Bocca di Magra (La Spezia), giusto per dormire. Già che c’ero ho acceso l’SDR-IQ. La Nuova Zelanda era fortissima. Bene anche Radio Senado e Wai FM sulla nuova frequenza RTM dei 6100 kHz. Da segnalare l’Angola (presumed) sui 7 MHz. In basso invece non era possibile andare a causa di scariche elettriche continue da temporali rompiscatole.

Venerdì mattina sono passato in Autostrada da Modena, Bologna, Forlì. Sui 1512 kHz non c’era nulla. Attive invece 1368 e 1404 kHz

Ecco il log SW:

5990 2/5 2147-2202* Radio Senado, Brazil, long talks in Portuguese but also in Spanish!, great id at 2200. End of BC. S.off 2202

6100 2/5 2220 Wai FM, Malaysia, songs, commercials, talks, lot of ids, good. No signal on 11665.

7125 2/5 2050 Radio Conakry, Guinea, African songs, some talks in French, at 2108 also talks in vernacular by woman, fair

7216.76 2/5 2135 Radio Nacional Angola (presumed), music, weak, better in USB to avoid QRM from 7215.

7255 2/5 2122 Radio Belarus & Radio Nigeria. Belarus dominant in English, history of Belarus, fair. But some time Nigeria coming on, with music and also an id.

7295 2/5 2115 Traxx FM, Malaysia, nice songs, fair

9525.97 2/5 2012 Voice of Indonesia, slow pop songs, id at 2021, good in USB

11650 2/5 2023 Radio Damal, clandestine to Somalia, long talks, fair/good

11725 2/5 2005 R New Zealand Int. international reports, id at 2210, excellent!
RX: SDR-IQ - Ant: Wellbrook LFL 1010 loop – QTH: Bocca di Magra (La Spezia, Italia)

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