22 April 2017


Band scan serale sui 15 MHz

Radio Kuwait
Un rapido band scan sui 15 MHz dopo cena (21 aprile 2017) tra le 1830 e le 1900 UTC
Rx: Elad FDM-S2 - Ant: T2FD lunga 15 metri

kHz - Radio - Tx - Country - lingua - segnale - distanza da Milano

15.140 Radio Habana Cuba Bauta CUB Cuba Creole/Haitian -103.0 dBm/S4 8360
15.155 Adventist World Radio Trincomalee LKA Sri Lanka English -91.0 dBm/S6 7915
15.180 Voice of America Udon Thani THA Thailand Amharic -97.0 dBm/S5 8922
15.190 Radyo Pilipinas Tinang PHL Philippines Tagalog -79.0 dBm/S8 10393
15.200 Deutsche Welle Issoudun FRA France Haussa -85.0 dBm/S7 588
15.300 Radio France Int. Issoudun FRA France French -85.0 dBm/S7 588
15.315 LWF Sauti Linjilia Issoudun FRA France Fulani/Fulfulde -79.0 dBm/S8 588
15.360 KBS World Radio Woofferton GBR United Kingdom Russian -91.0 dBm/S6 1159
15.390 Radio Exterior España Noblejas ESP Spain Spanish/Castellano -63.0 dBm/S9+10 1201
15.400 BBC Ascension Island ASC Ascension English -73.0 dBm/S9 6362
15.445 NHK Radio Japan Nauen DEU Germany Japanese -85.0 dBm/S7 845
15.460 Voice of America Pinheira STP Sao Tome Languages of Zimbabwe -85.0 dBm/S7 5008
15.480 R. Publique Africaine Issoudun FRA France French -91.0 dBm/S6 588
15.510 IBRA Radio Woofferton GBR United Kingdom Arabic -85.0 dBm/S7 1159
15.520 Radio Exterior España Noblejas ESP Spain Spanish/Castellano -85.0 dBm/S7 1201
15.540 Radio Kuwait Kabd/Sulaibiyah KWT Kuwait English -63.0 dBm/S9+10 3818
15.580 Voice of America Mopeng Hill BWA Botswana English -103.0 dBm/S4 7693
15.610 WEWN EWTN Catholic R. Birmingham (AL) USA English -103.0 dBm/S4 7847
15.630 Voice of America Woofferton GBR United Kingdom Amharic -97.0 dBm/S5 1159
15.700 Voice of America Lampertheim DEU Germany Amharic -91.0 dBm/S6 465
15.785 Voice of America Woofferton GBR United Kingdom Amharic -91.0 dBm/S6 1159
15.825 WWCR 1 Nashville, TN Nashville (TN) USA United States English -97.0 dBm/S5 7675

73, Giampiero

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17 April 2017


Pasqua con il Lowe SRX-30 - Piccolo log

Ascolti pasquali molto easy per digerire con il vecchio Lowe SRX-30 (antenna T2FD)

6080 16/4 1800 VOA, Selebi-Phikwe, Botswana, English, reports, good
6115 16/4 2100 R. Veritas Asia, Palauig, Philippines, Chinese, slow talks, fair/good
6295 16/4 1810 Reflections Europe, Ireland, religious prg, English, good
6305 16/4 1815 Radio Underground, Pirate, songs, fair/good

8957 16/4 1820 Shannon Volmet, Ireland, USB, usual info, fair

9100 16/4 1823 Voice of Hope, South Korea, Korean, talks, weak/fair, jammed
9265 16/4 2036 WINB, Red Lion, USA, English, Bible talks, fair
9310 16/4 1840 VoA Deewa Radio, Udin Thani, Thailand, Pashto, reports, good
9350 16/4 2039 WWCR, Nashville, USA, English, religious, fair/good
9355 16/4 1848 CNR1 Jammer/Firedrake, China, Chinese musica, very good
9380 16/4 1853 AIR National Channel, Aligarh, India, songs, weak
9390 16/4 1859 Radio Thailand, Udon Thani, start English BC, very good
9445 16/4 1902 AIR, Bengaluru, India, English news, good
9460 16/4 1905 Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Turkish, talks, very good
9470 16/4 1908 Afia Darfur Radio, Pinheira, Sao Tome, Arabic, talks about Darfur, good
9490 16/4 2042 VOA, Pinheira, Sao Tome, French, English lesson, very good
9570 16/4 1912 Radio Cairo, Abis, Egitto, German px, very good, bad modulation

9650 16/4 1916 Radio Guinée, Conakry, French talks, fair
9665 16/4 2045 Voz Missionaria, Florianópolis, Brazil, Alleluja! fair
9675 16/4 2048 Radio Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil, Easter talks, weak
9700 16/4 2053 Radio Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria, Arabic, Pope talks, good
9820 16/4 1920 MWV New Life Station, Madagascar, Russian, talks, very good
9940 16/4 1925 Trans World Radio, Manzini, Swaziland, talks African lang., very good

11680 16/4 1946 Adventist World Radio, Talata Volonondry, Madagascar, Arabic px, good
11735 16/4 1950 Zanzibar BC, Tanzania, nice songs, good
11750 16/4 2005 World Harvest Radio, Cypress Creek USA, religious, EE, good
11765 16/4 2010 Super Rádio Deus é Amor, Curitioodba, Brazil, usual religious talks, good
11900 16/4 2015 VOA, Pinheira, Sao Tome, reports, nice mx, good s.off 2028
11900 16/4 2030 VOA , Sulaibiyah, Kuwait, French, reports, weak
11930 16/4 2020 Radio Martì, Greenville USA, Spanish, talks Cuba, fair
11985 16/4 2033 NHK Radio Japan, Talata Volondry, Madagascar, French, news, good

13820 16/4 1942 Radio Algerienne, Issoudun, France, AA, talks, songs, fair
13845 16/4 1938 WWCR, Nashville, USA, religious talks, songs, EE, fair/good

15540 16/4 1929 Radio Kuwait, English, talks, nice music, very good
15770 16/4 1934 Brother Stairs, Okeechobee, USA, usual talks, fair

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13 April 2017


Ascolti con il Lowe SRX-30

Ecco qualche ascolto vintage con il Lowe SRX-30. Era in cantina da anni, poi il Michele D'Amico IZ2EAS si è impietosito e me lo ha rimesso a nuovo. Lui possiede un ricevitore gemello: il Century 21, che ha lo stesso disegno, una tripla conversione supereterodina con il circuito loop Wadley. Lo stesso del Drake SSR-1 ma anche dello Yaesu FRG-7 the frog. 

Questo ricevitore è stato il primo messo in vendita dalla britannica Lowe nel 1979. Costava 175 sterline contro le 210 dell'FRG-7 e il doppio, 367 sterline, dello Yaesu FRG-7000. Quindi era un rx di fascia economica, senza fronzoli. Ma ci si può divertire. Anche con i radioamatori e i volmet.

Qualche info in più:
RigReference.com CLICCA QUI
Shortwaveradio.ch CLICCA QUI
Radiomuseum.org CLICCA QUI

11735 kHz Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation
Log HF

6085 11/4 0710 Radio Mi Amigo, Germany, songs, fair/good
7235 10/4 1940 Radio Iran IRIB, Italian px, good
7850 11/4 2242 CHU Ottawa, Canada, pips, ids, time, fair

9330 11/4 2221 WBCQ The Planet, Monticello, USA, religious, English, fair
9350 11/4 2224 WWCR Nashville, USA, English, religious, good
9395 11/4 2227 WRMI Radio Miami Int., Okeechobee, USA, oldies, ids, English, good
9505 11/4 2233 WHRI The Overcomer Ministry, Cypress Creek, Alleluja Alleluja... good
9665 11/4 2236 R. Voz Missionaria, Camboriou, Brazil, talks, fair

11580 11/4 2200 WRMI Radio Miami Int., USA, Spanish, Latin songs, good
11600 11/4 1110 Denge Kurdistan, via Maiac, Moldovia, speech, very good
11735 10/4 1930 Zanzibar BC, Dole, Tanzania, mx, talks, good
11760 11/4 1115 Radio Habana Cuba, Spanish, reports, weak/fair fading
11790 11/4 2209 MWV Radio Feda, Mahajanga, Madagascar, Arabic, talks, good
11840 11/4 2215 Radio Habana Cuba, Spanish, talks about Cuba, fair
11860 11/4 1120 Rep. Yemen Radio Sana'a, via Saudi Arabia, talks, songs, Arabic, fair
11880 11/4 2218 Radio Habana Cuba, French, reports, fair
11905 11/4 1124 Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, Indonesian, talks, fair
12105 11/4 2219 WTWW Bible World Wide, Lebanon, USA, Arabic, talks, good

13635 11/4 1048 Voice of Turkey, drama, Turkish, very good
15360 11/4 1035 Radio Mashaal, Udon Thani, Thailand, reports, Pashto, fair/good
15450 11/4 1039 Adventist World Radio, via KSDA, Guam, Chinese, talks, weak
17850 11/4 1043 Radio Thailand, Udon Thani, Thai, talks, Thai pop, very good

73, Giampiero

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03 April 2017


Vintage DXing - Ascolti vecchio stile

Yaesu FRG-7 & Kenwood R-300

Vintage DXing. Mi sono divertito a rimettere in servizio i vecchi Kenwood R-300 e Yaesu FRG-7 e per un po' ho messo nell'angolo i ricevitori SDR. Un modo di ascoltare completamente diverso, più faticoso per certi aspetti, ma comunque divertente che riporta indietro nel tempo.

Per diversi aspetti il Kenwood R-300 è superiore allo Yaesu, ma devo dire che personalmente preferisco l'FRG-7, the frog. Questione di feeling! 73, Giampiero

(Il segno + davanti alla frequenza indica una nuova frequenza)

6005 26/3 1110 Radio Canada Int., Germany, English bc, fair fading
6005 26/3 1325 Radio Slovakia Int., Germany, end bc in German, id, fair, 1530 French
6005 26/3 1130 Voice of Mongolia, Germany, id, start bc, fair
6005 26/3 1730 Radio Amathusia, Germany, Dutch, talks, songs, good
6030 26/3 1930 Radio Oromiya, Ethiopia, talks, HoA songs, fair
6070 26/3 1055 Bclnews Radio, Germany, ids end bc, good
6070 26/3 1100 Word of Deliverance, Start bc, religious, English, good
6070 26/3 1320 Radio Beatspektrum, Germany, songs, ids, talks German, good26
6080 26/3 1935 VOA, Sao Tome, English, reports, good

9525 26/3 1830 Voice of Indonesia, German px, talks, songs, good
9570 26/3 1840 MWV New Life Station, Madagascar, Russian, talks, songs, good
9650 26/3 1848 Radio Guinée, Conakry, nice songs, fair/good
+ 9670 26/3 1855 Radio Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria, Latin, Holy Rosary, good NEW FREQ
9730 26/3 1900 Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, English bc, fair S but QRM CRI
9745 26/3 1908 Firedrake, China jammer, Chinese no stop mx, good
+9785 26/3 1904 Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Turkish songs, good

11615 26/3 1802 Afia Darfur Radio, Mopeng Hill, Botswana, Arabic talks, good
11735 26/3 1755 Zanzibar BC, Tanzania, talks, songs, fair
11750 26/3 1810 City FM SLBC, Sri Lanka, songs, commercials, ids, good
11765 26/3 1912 Radio Deus è Amor, Curitiba, Brazil, usual religious, fair
11930 26/3 1816 Radio Martì, Greenville, USA, pop, disco, songs, weak/fair

12050 26/3 1920 Dandal Kura, Ascension Island, African lang., talks, mx, ids, fair/good
12055 26/3 1303 Trans World Radio, Gavar, Armenia, unid language, id, address, good
+12060 26/3 1928 Radio Algerienne, via France, Arabic, good

15225 26/3 1229 Radio Veritas Asia, Philippines, start bc Asian lang, mx, id, talks, fair26/
15340 26/3 1233 Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, Urdu, talks, good
15360 26/3 1238 Mashaal Radio, Iranawila, Sri Lanka, reports, id, good
15450 26/3 1245 Voice of Turkey, Emirler, English, talks, ids, good
15770 26/3 1248 Brother Stairs, Okeechobee, USA, usual talks, fair

17660 26/3 1253 R. France Int., Talata-Volonondry, Madagascar, talks, French, fair/good
17730 26/3 1257 Radio Habana Cuba, Cuban songs, fair

QTH: Milano - Antenna: T2FD lunga 15 metri

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Quattro ascolti in banda tropicale e 49 metri

Qualche ascolto in banda tropicale e 49 metri da Bocca di Magra, tanto per passare il tempo con il Collins 51S-1 e la MaxiWhip. 73, Giampiero

3320 12/3 1815 Radio Sonder Grense, South Africa, talks, weak
4750 12/3 1634 Bangladesh Betar, Dakha, songs, fair
4810 11/3 1805 Armenian National Radio, Yerevan, songs, fair/good
4895 12/3 1640 AIR Kurseong, India, songs, fair
4910 12/3 1644 AIR Jaipur, India, songs, fair
4980 12/3 1648 PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui, China, talks, fair
5040 12/3 1652 AIR Jeypore, India, talks, songs, fair
5060 12/3 1656 PBS Xinjiang, China, songs, fair/good //5960

5985 12/3 2340 Myanma Radio, Yegu, Myanmar, talks, songs, fair/good
6030 12/3 1820 Radio Oromiya, Ethiopia, talks, good (at 1828 start Bible Voice)
6090 12/3 1830 Radio Amhara, Ethiopia, HoA songs, good
6110 12/3 1833 Radio Fana, Ethiopia, talks, good

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